Sofia GPT ™ Subscriptions packages

Check Sofia GPT ™ Pricing plans and choose the one that works for you more. Reduce your work with sofia’s medical GPT.
and much more with our advanced plan like the EHR system integration!

AI models tuned for

Suggesting Differential diagnosis
Proposing Treatment plans
Assisting with Drug interactions
Drafting SOAP Notes
Recommending encounter Billing code

All packages includes

History and search of all conversations
Speak and Listen to Sofia response
Create a PDF receive an email
Share the answer
On Apple or Android & any browser


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10 queries a month


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200 queries a month


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400 queries a month


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EHR Integration
AI Model Tuning to your medical specialty
AI Model Tuning to your clinic workflow
Patient history summarization
Integration with Ensofia AI digital front door
Integration with you phone and call center
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Frequently Asked Question

Can Sofia answer non-medical questions?

Yes, Sofia can answer any questions on most subjects, even though she is optimized to answer medical questions and other questions related to the healthcare industry.

What happens if I repeat the question, do I get the same answer?

Every time you ask a question Sofia will initiate a search for an answer, independent of any previous answers.  Accordingly, factual answers will be very similar, where as the generative answers will be different.

Can I upgrade my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time.

Can Sofia speak other languages?

Currently, Sofia can only speak English and Spanish

Can Sofia integrate with the EHR?

Yes!  By implementing other EnSofia modules, Sofia can schedule and change appointments, send patients reminders, collect patient payments, create medical pathways and become your virtual contact center, eliminating a lot of the mundane tasks freeing up your staff for more value-added services.

Which EHRs can Sofia integrate with?

enerally, Sofia can integrate with any cloud based EHRs and some of the legacy EHRs.

What's the optimal size of Clinic for Sofia?

Although Sofia is optimized for clinics of 1- 25 doctors, we believe it can handle clinics with twice as many doctors without any problems.
sofia gpt FAQ